A few weeks ago, I wrote about the hero's journey and how I felt like I was in the abyss. I am definitely still feeling like I am in the abyss. The last couple of weeks have brought some deep challenges at school that will certainly impact what my service looks like. I'm not trying to be cryptic, but as I've mentioned before, there are things that aren't appropriate to share here. Suffice it to say that if I was doubting I was in the abyss before that doubt no longer exists. But ever onward... We had a group of volunteers come to the school to redo our library (more on that later, with photos). Many of them were college students doing an alternate spring break experience--and chatting with them really drove home for me how much I miss my PLU students. 💓 In addition to working in the library, they also came to classes and did a fun STEM activity where the students worked in groups to try to build the tallest tower using only spa...