I had originally planned to continue writing about the things I took for granted, but then yesterday happened and I decided that I wanted share the day with y’all. A little context first—my PCV bestie Alexis is currently living with me as her house is infested with rats. Luckily a teacher from her school works in my community so she has a ride to/from school every day. But it was still quite a week—so we decided to try for a nice day out and about on Saturday. It turned out to be one of those rare days when everything aligned for us--honestly, it was the first time since I've been here that I've had a day like this! As I was closing the gate to my house, I saw a bus coming up the road. This never happens! But what it meant was that we didn’t have to walk up the giant hill to go wait for the bus. When we got to town and got on our next bus, we only had to sit on it for 5 minutes before we left! That also never happens, LOL. ...