"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it." Thich Nhat Hanh
Since my return from the states, I'm finding that my skills as a mindfullness practitioner have really been put to the test. There's the usual "stuff" from school, of course. My home has been like my sanctuary away from school, but has definitely been feeling less so over the past month. I've been innundated by loud music so much more than usual--I've been having to spend a lot of time just wearing noise cancelling headphones to exist in my space. I also have to wear them to bed to have any chance at sleeping. This isn't unique to me; lots of volunteers have had to purchase noise cancelling headphones to sleep. I also went more days in January without water than with it, which starts to take its toll. I remain thankful for all my experience backpacking, but let's be honest--the overall level of "freshness" you want when camping isn't quite the same as what you want when you have to wear professional clothes and work with others. ...