This week I feel like I made some progress in moving forward at school. I think I have finally made peace with most of the things that are beyond my control and I'm feeling better about how to deal with these things. I also had some forward motion on two projects--"lunchtime literacy" and a reading incentive program. Based on the literacy assessments that I did with our grade 2 students, I've identified a cohort of students who are far below grade level. So starting this coming week, I'm going to have intensive lunchtime interventions to try to close that gap a little. The students will still get 30 minutes for lunch, which is more than enough time for them to eat and have a little play break. The reading program is all planned out, but not quite ready to launch (things beyond my control). Creole month is coming to a close, and it does so with big celebration. We had Creole snacks on Wednesday and a full day celebration on Friday at...