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"Teaching is the greatest act of optimism" - Colleen Wilcox

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!! 

In terms of schedule, this was an unusual week.  We started with Thanksgiving on Monday, which meant no school.  We had 1/2 days of school on Tuesday and Friday for Teacher Appreciation Week, and on Thursday my principal, counterpart teacher, and I had an all-day workshop with the Peace Corps.  In terms of work it was good--the workshop helped us all to articulate some work goals together and I think it was useful to have conversations with all the volunteers and their faculty about what reasonable expectations are for all involved.  I'm starting to feel a little more settled at work--it's coming slowly, but it is coming.  

This week had me thinking a lot about the teachers who have influenced me throughout my own educational journey.  One in particular has really been on my mind because there is a teacher at my school who reminds me of her in so many ways.  Many of you will remember Mrs. Birschbach (Mrs. B) who was my eighth grade teacher at St. Mary's.  At the time, I wouldn't have been able to articulate why I liked her or why I thought she was a good teacher.  But as an adult, I'm able to recognize that she was really the first teacher I had who challenged me/pushed me to do better while making me feel like could meet those challenges.  I was extremely fortunate to have teachers in high school and college who continued to challenge and support me--to believe in me and my abilities in those times when I didn't believe in myself.  I had one of those "full circle moments" a few days ago when I was doing some goal-setting for myself and my service here; I realized that even more than helping students learn to read, I want students to know that I believe in them and their abilities.  I whole-heartedly believe that one of the many commonalities between a college and elementary classroom is that relationships are at the center of everything.  That by prioritizing the human component of education, we are best able to teach the knowledge and skills of our discipline while empowering students (of all ages) for lifelong learning.  

I'm keeping this short this week--I have picked up a head cold that has been making the rounds through school and so I'm trying to be as restful as possible today.  I'm going to leave you with a few pictures of some of the very sweet drawings that students made for me this week and me enjoying a cold beer at the end of the week.  😆


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