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"Sometimes you gotta take a break from all the noise to appreciate the beauty of silence" -Robert Tew

We have made it (almost) to the end of term 1 at school.  Students finished exams last week and after exams instruction stops.  So for the last week and a half of the term, its a bit more of a free-for-all than usual at school as teachers are trying to do their grading and the kids are left mostly to their own devices.  I was hoping to use this time to make some big leaps forward on my library projects, but there's been another bump in the road--and that's a whole story that I'm not going to get into right now. 

What I am going to get into is saying goodbye for a few weeks.  I'll be back here sometime early in the new year.  I'm going to be traveling to WI for most of break (as many leave days as I could spare).  My plan is to relax, sleep with a blanket (!), run in the cold, cook, bake, eat, and drink.  I need this trip to be a chill one, so I'm just hanging with family.  To all my WI friends--I miss you and will visit you when I return to the states for good. 💓  This trip I really just need to have cozy, chill time at home.  Which brings me to the opening quote--I love silence.  I think we find so much in silence.  I do find silent moments here, but I am looking forward to a break from the noise.  

 I couldn't resist jumping on the wrapped trend, especially after one of my IG favorites (@howapcvputsitgently) posted.  My version is a slighty-tweaked version of theirs to more accurately reflect my experience, LOL.  Warning--it mentions 💩--we volunteers talk about 💩 all the time.  Having gotten my PhD studying diarrheal disease, I don't mind so much--but you've been warned.  😆😆😆

I hope that all of you have a fabulous holiday season. 💓💓💓


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