This u pdate will feature some brief vingnettes from the past few weeks. Logos Hope is the " world's largest floating bookfair" and was docked in the southern part of the island for about two weeks in February. I got the chance to visit with the grade 5 students and I'm so glad for the chance to see it. The entire o peration is run by volunteers from around the world. Our students were convinced that I was related to all of the white peo ple that worked on the boat, LOL. Galentine's Day Lunch with Alexis was a real treat. We traveled to the north of the island where all the posh things are, LOL. The photo is our view of the marina during lunch. As I was on the bus home, I was very thankful for the time with my friend, the conversation, the food. But in all honesty, I also started thinking about how nice it will be when I return home and meeting a friend for lunch won't involve a ...