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"Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life" -Marcus Aurelius

 This update will feature some brief vingnettes from the past few weeks. 

Logos Hope is the "world's largest floating bookfair" and was docked in the southern part of the island for about two weeks in February.  I got the chance to visit with the grade 5 students and I'm so glad for the chance to see it.  The entire operation is run by volunteers from around the world.  Our students were convinced that I was related to all of the white people that worked on the boat, LOL.  

Galentine's Day Lunch with Alexis was a real treat.  We traveled to the north of the island where all the posh things are, LOL.  The photo is our view of the marina during lunch.  As I was on the bus home, I was very thankful for the time with my friend, the conversation, the food.  But in all honesty, I also started thinking about how nice it will be when I return home and meeting a friend for lunch won't involve a 6 hour round trip on the bus, LOL! 
At the beginning of this week, I got to participate in the The Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens Celebration of Service at PLU.  Thanks to Bridget for the photo--we were laughing because I am so HUGE and just hovering over all the other panelists!  It was great to see folks from PLU and to share a bit of my Peace Corps experience.

And finally to a step forward at school!  One of the things I'm working on is a resource collection for teachers--essentially a collection of literacy worksheet masters that they can easily pull and copy for classes.  It's been hours and hours of printing, putting into sheet protectors, and getting in the binders.  This is a little less than half of what I need to do, but it feels good to actually have something ready for use!  

There's no picture for this--but I'm also over the moon that y'all in the US are springing ahead this weekend!  It seems like a small thing, but cutting that time difference down from 4 hr to 3hr for my PNW folks.  Staying up for the PLU event was well worth it, but boy was I feeling my age the next day!  LOL.  


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