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Always go with the choice that scares you the most because that is the one that is going to help you grow. -Caroline Myss


I am writing this as we approach the end of our first week of pre-service training (PST).  I’ve included a picture here of my cohort as we arrived on St. Lucia.  Notice how I’ve already started talking in terms of “we”—I am shocked by how quickly we have coalesced as a group and how deeply connected I feel to these people who I have known for less than a week.  In reality, we spend A LOT of time together.  We’re together all day in training sessions, we eat all our meals together, and I have a roommate for the 1st time in a very long time (my roommate is amazing, BTW). 

This week has been a little unusual in terms of living situation because Peace Corps is housing us at a hotel for the 1st four weeks.  We haven’t been able to leave the compound all week but will be able to leave starting this weekend (we needed to get some training under our belts 1st).  This actually brings me to an important point—you’ll notice that I’m not giving any specifics about where I’m located.  This is a directive from the State Department—we are forbidden from providing any specifics about our locations on social media.  So for those of you who might leave a comment in this blog or on Facebook, please do not share any specifics about where I am. 

Our training this week has focused a lot on safety, our health (I got even MORE vaccinations), ICDEIA (interculture competence, diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility), our roles as volunteers and the meaning of, and PC approach to development.  We also found out where we will be stationed for our service.  Drum roll…. I am going to be serving in St. Lucia!!!  I’ve included the flag here—the blue color represents the water, the white the land, the black the people, and the yellow the light.    

The biggest revelation to me this week: this is where I am meant to be right now.  I feel that with such clarity.  It has been an intense time and I know that it is going to get even harder and push me in all sorts of new and exciting ways.  I can’t wait to see what next week brings!! 

My view from breakfast this morning


  1. So fun to hear about your journey and the amazing new people in your life! Sending so much love your way! I keep dreaming about you in learning situations.


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